STORY: Wudhu washes away anger - Inspirational
By: Umar Shariff
A truly inspirational story received from Br. Shaik, Principal, Al Basheer International School:
A message that which I received from a Parent.
Assalamu alaikum brother
A truly inspirational story received from Br. Shaik, Principal, Al Basheer International School:
A message that which I received from a Parent.
Assalamu alaikum brother
Just wanted to share something.
Today I was mad at A#$€¥ because I thought she had lied to me about something (which in fact she hadn't..... I realized later). I was scolding her and she was shouting back at me that she hadn't lied. Then suddenly she stopped and quietly marched towards her room. I could hear her shut the door behind her from where I was. I was furious. So, she is learning new tricks... I thought. I went into the room only to find her going inside the bathroom. So, now she is planning to lock herself in the bathroom... again I thought. I was even more furious. "What do you think you are doing?" I screamed. She calmly replied, "I am doing what my ma'am asked me to do whenever I get angry", "doing wudu".... I stood there shocked and ashamed at myself. She came out smiling and said "it worked mummy". I couldn't help smiling and crying at the same time. May Allah Grant her success in this world and the hereafter. May Allah Grant everyone an offspring like her.
JazakAllahukhairan A£$¥€'s Islamic studies teacher. I can never thank you enough and jazakumullah for the wonderful work at Al Basheer International school Bangalore.
About the Author
Br. Umar Shariff is the CEO of Al Basheer International School and Founder-President of DIET - Discover Islam Education Trust. He is a keen social activist who strictly adhere to the principles of Islam.
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