STORY: Wudhu washes away anger - Inspirational

By: Umar Shariff

A truly inspirational story received from Br. Shaik, Principal, Al Basheer International School:

A message that which I received from a Parent.

Assalamu alaikum brother

Just wanted to share something.

Today I was mad at A#$€¥ because I thought she had lied to me about something (which in fact she hadn't..... I realized later). I was scolding her and she was shouting back at me that she hadn't lied. Then suddenly she stopped and quietly marched towards her room. I could hear her shut the door behind her from where I was. I was furious. So, she is learning new tricks... I thought. I went into the room only to find her going inside the bathroom. So, now she is planning to lock herself in the bathroom... again I thought. I was even more furious. "What do you think you are doing?" I screamed. She calmly replied, "I am doing what my ma'am asked me to do whenever I get angry", "doing wudu".... I stood there shocked and ashamed at myself. She came out smiling and said "it worked mummy". I couldn't help smiling and crying at the same time. May Allah Grant her success in this world and the hereafter. May Allah Grant everyone an offspring like her.

JazakAllahukhairan A£$¥€'s Islamic studies teacher. I can never thank you enough and jazakumullah for the wonderful work at Al Basheer International school Bangalore.

A True inspirational story: Wudhu washes away anger  - Islamic Reasoning

About the Author
Br. Umar Shariff is the CEO of Al Basheer International School and Founder-President of DIET - Discover Islam Education Trust. He is a keen social activist who strictly adhere to the principles of Islam.

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